Florida Nematodes
Growing roses in Florida does have some challenges. Much published rose growing information seems to pertain to northern climates and does not necessarily work in our hot, humid tropical climate nor does it pertain to our sandy soil.
One of the biggest challenges here in South Florida are Root Knot Nematodes. Good news! There are several Earth-friendly and Old Garden Roses that are resistant to Root Knot Nematodes and can be grown on their own root system. There are also beneficial nematodes that can be used effectively to help control root knot nematodes and other pests. Click HERE for more information from Kathy Porter, Consulting Rosarian.
Another article by Pam Greenwald owner of Angel Gardens, posted on Paul Zimmerman’s excellent Rose website, lists her recommendations of own-root, Old Garden Roses that grow well in South Florida.
Photo: Rosa Louis Philippe

Rootstock Matters in Florida – Fortuniana
However, if one is looking for grafted hybrid teas, David Austin English roses or modern floribundas, we recommend choosing roses grafted onto Fortuniana rootstock which is resistant to Nematodes.

Growing Roses on Fortuniana Rootstock: Soil Prep, Planting, Watering, Feeding and Spraying.
Web Article Courtesy of James Mills, Master Rosarian, K&M Nursery, Buckatunna, MS.
Photo Courtesy of Rogue Valley Roses.
James Mills is a consulting rosarian, a master rosarian, and a master gardener. He has owned and operated K and M Nursery with his wife Daisy for almost 30 years. They have received many rewards over the years, including the Bronze Medal for Outstanding Service by the Mobile Rose Society and the Silver Medal of Honor from the Gulf District of the American Rose Society. The Mills’ have approximately 1,000 bushes in their rose garden where they grow and evaluate different varieties of Fortuniana-grafted roses.
Staking Fortuniana Grafted Roses! Here is an expert article by Marty Pawlikowski, a CFRS Master Rosarian from Central Florida. (Posted here with permission.) The article explains why Fortuniana rootstock is best for south Florida (and similar places) as well as the why and how behind staking a rose bush. His approach/method supports the graft and the bush. Get the article here: https://www.gpbrs.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/staking-fortuniana-rose-bushes-from-Elaine-Marty.pdf
Below, and on the drop down menus, you will find more links, guides and Information on growing roses. As always, if you need specific help come to a Society meeting and/or ask a rosarian. We love to help.
How To’s with Paul Zimmerman: Buying/Planting Own Root, Train a Rose on a Trellis…
Videos from the American Rose Society: Some great vids with Rose Guru, Paul Zimmerman, showing just how to plant a grafted container rose or train a rose on an arbor or trellis, summer clean up, pruning, even saving a rose that’s been blown over (a possibility in South Florida). Paul’s videos are pretty entertaining as well.
General Rose Care and How Tos:
Expert Videos – How To’s: Enjoy these general videos done by well-known ARS members, hybridizers and rosarians that are full of tips and tools to help you grow beautiful roses! The list: How to prune an OWN Root Rose or a TREE rose, Fertilizing (general, not Florida specific), How to Grow Roses from Cuttings, Hybridizing, How to Plant a Rose Garden, and more…
“A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.”
~ Gertrude Jekyll