American Rose Society
Guide to U.S. Gardens:
Florida Section
The ARS Garden Guide lists all gardens that subscribe to the Reciprocal Admissions Program (RAP) — indicated with an asterisk* — and brief entries for many significant rose gardens, plus a limited number of nursery gardens that are open to the public.
Show your ARS membership card to gain free or reduced-cost admission to RAP gardens, in most cases. However, family members will need their own membership cards. Phone ahead to confirm card benefits, or check a garden’s website for details about hours, dates, etc. Estate garden card privileges may be restricted in particular.

FA indicates Free Admission, FP means Free Parking. Ninety-mile exclusion enforced means your ARS card cannot be used if you live within a 90 mile radius of the garden. If a garden has a gift shop, ask if discounts are available with your card. With nursery gardens always call ahead to arrange an appointment.
Excerpted from American Rose Society 2017 Guide to U.S. Gardens, https://www.rose.org/public-garden accessed 12/23/2023